Mass Ministries


Greeters do just that – they give a friendly greeting to everyone coming in to a week-end Mass, welcoming them to our Church. This ministry is important as it shows our visitors as well as our parishioners that our hospitality begins at the door and extends throughout our service.  At the present time, we do not have any “scheduled” greeters. If you come to Church a little early and do not see one at the door, please feel free to stand there and greet people until just before Mass begins. You will discover that it is a fantastic blessing!


Four ushers serve at all week-end Masses and Holy Day Masses. These men are there to help any person who may need assistance in any way. They also pass the collection baskets, direct the people at Communion time, and often carry up the gifts to the Altar. Whatever is needed during Mass time, an usher is there to meet that need. However, there is a need for ushers.  If you care to help out either occasionally or permanently as an usher, please speak to any usher at the week-end Mass you prefer to attend.


We are blessed with various music ministries. To help enhance the meaning and beauty of the Mass through music, consider becoming a choir member or a cantor.

   The Parish Choir (seventh grade to adult) practices Thursday at 3:00 pm, and sings at the 9:00a.m. Sunday Mass.

   The Folk Choir sings at the 11a.m. Sunday Mass, and practice between 10-11:00a.m. on Sundays.

   The Resurrection Choir consists of volunteers to sing at Funeral Masses.

   A Cantor sings the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Acclamation at Mass. A Cantor also leads the congregation in singing all the hymns during Mass.

If you are interested in adding your voice for the praise and glory of God, please contact Patty Peck-Faketty (906-644-7105) or our Parish Office (906-341-5355).

Altar Servers – Lectors – Sacristans

To become a Lector (reader) or a Sacristan (person who prepares the church for Mass) or an Altar Servers (both male and female, 2nd grade to adult), please contact either Roger Irie (906-341-6493) or Therese Schalm (906-450-1323) in Manistique or John Hogan (906-450-5215) in Gulliver.  Or call our Parish Office (906-341-5355).

Extraordinary Minister of Eucharist

An Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist is a lay person who helps distribute the Eucharist (both the Precious Body and the Precious Blood) at Mass.  If you are interested in becoming one, please contact either Roger Irie (906-341-6493) or Therese Schalm (906-450-1323) in Manistique or John & Pat Hogan (906-450-5215) in Gulliver.  Or call our Parish Office (906-341-5355).

To see the schedule for the upcoming week-end, please go to the bulletin page by clicking on the word “Bulletin” at the top of this page. The schedules are shown in the bulletin.